

英 [fɔ:l]
美 [fɔl]


  • v.


  • n.


  • 变形



    1. vi. 降落,落下; 摔下,倒下 come down from a higher place, e.g. by losing balance or as a result of gravity
    2. vi. 跌倒 come down from a standing position to a lying position
    3. vi. 降低,减退 come or go to a lower level or point
    4. vi. 倒坍; 沦陷,失守; 被打败,被征服 come to the ground; (of a city etc.) be captured; be defeated
    5. vi. 失势,垮台 lose power or a high position
    6. vi. & link-v. 成为,变为; 进入…状态 become; pass into
    7. vi. (脸色)突然阴沉下来 (of the face) take on a look of sadness, disappointment, shame, etc., especially suddenly
    8. vi. 犯罪,堕落; 怀孕 give way to wrong-doing; be pregnant
    9. vi. 来临; 降临; 下垂; 说出; 属于…的活动范围 come or happen, as if by descending; hang loosely; be spoken; belong to a particular area of activity, responsibility, etc.
    1. [C]跌落,下落,下跌 an act of falling
    2. [C]降落物,降落量 sth that has fallen
    3. [C]下降,降低,减少 a decrease in quantity, price, demand, degree, etc.
    4. [S]掉落的距离,落差 the distance through which anything falls
    5. [S]陷落; 垮台; 灭亡; 没落 the defeat or loss of power of a city, state, government, etc.
    6. [S]堕落,沦落 a change from a life of goodness, honesty, etc. to one of immorality
    7. [P]瀑布 a place where a river makes a sudden deep over; waterfall
    8. [S]〈美〉秋天autumn


    fall[ fɔ:l ]

    • n.
      • the season when the leaves fall from the trees

        "in the fall of 1973"


      • a sudden drop from an upright position


      • the lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve
      • a downward slope or bend


      • a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity

        "a fall from virtue"

      • a sudden decline in strength or number or importance

        "the fall of the House of Hapsburg"


      • a movement downward

        "the rise and fall of the tides"

      • the act of surrendering (under agreed conditions)


      • the time of day immediately following sunset

        "they finished before the fall of night"


      • when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat


      • a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity


      • a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity

        "when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall"

        同义词:dropdipfree fall

    • v.
      • descend in free fall under the influence of gravity
      • move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way

        "The barometer is falling"

        同义词:descendgo downcome down

      • pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind

        "fall into a trap"; "fall asleep"; "fall prey to an imposter"; "fall into a strange way of thinking"

      • come under, be classified or included

        "fall into a category"


      • fall from clouds

        "rain, snow and sleet were falling"

        同义词:precipitatecome down

      • suffer defeat, failure, or ruin

        "We must stand or fall"; "fall by the wayside"

      • decrease in size, extent, or range

        "her weight fall to under a hundred pounds"


      • die, as in battle or in a hunt

        "Several deer have fallen to the same gun"

      • touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly


      • be captured
      • occur at a specified time or place

        "Christmas falls on a Monday this year"; "The accent falls on the first syllable"

      • yield to temptation or sin
      • lose office or power
      • to be given by assignment or distribution
      • move in a specified direction

        "The line of men fall forward"

      • be due

        "payments fall on the 1st of the month"

      • lose one's chastity

        "a fallen woman"

      • to be given by right or inheritance
      • come into the possession of


      • fall to somebody by assignment or lot


      • be inherited by


      • slope downward

        "The hills around here fall towards the ocean"

      • lose an upright position suddenly

        同义词:fall down

      • drop oneself to a lower or less erect position
      • fall or flow in a certain way


      • assume a disappointed or sad expression
      • be cast down
      • come out; issue
      • be born, used chiefly of lambs
      • begin vigorously
      • go as if by falling
      • come as if by falling




    用作动词 (v.)
    • curtain falls落幕
    • night falls夜幕降临
    • one's eyes fall垂下眼睛
    • one's face fall脸色阴沉
    • prices fall物价下跌
    • some animals fall幼崽出生
    • some buildings fall建筑物倒塌
    • some occasion falls时日来临
    • some place falls某地沦陷
    • spirit falls精神萎靡
    • the land falls土地倾斜
    • fall abruptly突然减少
    • fall accidentally偶尔地下降
    • fall aptly恰当地减少
    • fall comprehensively全面地减少
    • fall considerably大大地下降
    • fall constantly不断地落入
    • fall deeply大幅度地减少
    • fall deftly熟练地减少
    • fall dramatically戏剧性地减少
    • fall easily不费力气地减少
    • fall effectively有效地减少
    • fall essentially必需地减少
    • fall fast下得很急
    • fall fearfully可怕地下降
    • fall finally最终地减少
    • fall fitly适度地减少
    • fall fully全面地减少
    • fall gently轻轻地飘落
    • fall greatly较大地下降
    • fall heavily猛跌
    • fall impatiently急不可耐地减少
    • fall incessantly持续不断地下降
    • fall irresistibly不可抗拒地减少
    • fall logically合理地减少
    • fall markedly明显地下降
    • fall naturally自然地减少
    • fall necessarily必要地减少
    • fall obviously明显地下降
    • fall occasionally偶尔地减少
    • fall principally主要地减少
    • fall probably可能要垮台
    • fall promptly迅速地减少
    • fall quickly降临得很快
    • fall radically根本性地减少
    • fall reluctantly不情愿地减少
    • fall seriously大为减少
    • fall sharply显著地减少
    • fall slightly略有减少
    • fall slowly慢慢地下落
    • fall softly轻轻地飘落
    • fall spontaneously自发地减少
    • fall steeply急速地落下
    • fall suddenly忽然地落下
    • fall unnecessarily不必要地下降
    • fall widely广泛地减少
    • fall away背离,离开,消失,消瘦,倾斜
    • fall back后退,后撤,撤退,退让,食言
    • fall behind落后,拖欠
    • fall down跌倒,掉下,倒坍,失败
    • fall in倒塌,下沉,集合,到期
    • fall off减退,减少
    • fall out争吵,发生,解散,掉出,掉队,结果是
    • fall over摔倒,倒在地上,被…绊倒
    • fall over oneself热衷,渴望
    • fall through落空,破产,失败,行不通
    • fall across sb偶然遇到某人
    • fall among sb与某人结交,遇见某人,落入某人之手
    • fall away from duty擅离职守
    • fall away from faith背弃信仰
    • fall back into the power of重新落入…的操纵下
    • fall back on撤退到,投靠,轻易依靠,求助于,重提
    • fall behind in one's study在学习上落后
    • fall behind with one's rent交不上房租
    • fall below降到…以下,低于
    • fall beyond属于…外,在…外
    • fall down on在…方面失败,未做到
    • fall down on the examination考试不及格
    • fall down on the ground跌到地上
    • fall down the river顺河漂下
    • fall for被…迷住,被…倾倒,受…的诱惑,受骗,接受,赞同
    • fall from由…落下,(由…口里)说出
    • fall from a tree从树上跌下
    • fall from power垮台
    • fall from sb's lips从某人口中说出来
    • fall in battle阵亡
    • fall in for得到,受到
    • fall in love with爱上,喜爱
    • fall in upon意外地遇到,访问
    • fall in with碰见,同意,和…一致,符合
    • fall in with sb's desire符合某人的愿望
    • fall in with sb's proposal赞成某人的提案
    • fall inside the limits of在…范围内
    • fall into陷入,变成,分成,开始,产生,养成,注入…中,排(队)
    • fall into a problem开始讨论问题
    • fall into sb's hands落入某人之手
    • fall into the habit养成习惯
    • fall off从…上摔(掉)下,退出
    • fall off from sb背弃某人
    • fall off the chair从椅子上摔下来
    • fall on〔upon〕落在…上,照射到…上,开始,进攻,适逢
    • fall on a Sunday适逢星期天
    • fall on one's face完全失败
    • fall on the enemy袭击敌人
    • fall on the government抨击政府
    • fall out of从…掉下来,(逐渐) 停止,不再,离(队)
    • fall out of use废弃不用
    • fall out with sb与某人闹翻
    • fall to pieces垮台,解体,(墙)垮掉,摔碎
    • fall to the ground坠落,失败,落空
    • fall to thinking of开始想起
    • fall under跌(落)在…下面,归入,属于…(一类),受到…(影响)
    • fall under class A列为甲级
    • fall under sb's management归某人管理
    • fall under sb's notice受到某人注意
    • fall within属于…(之列),适合
    用作名词 (n.)
    • anticipate fall预料到跌倒
    • break a fall减弱下降的力量
    • gain a fall赢一局
    • get a fall摔了一跤
    • have a fall跌下来
    • suffer a fall摔下来
    • survive a fall跌下来没有丧命
    • take a fall被打倒
    • try a fall较量
    • win a fall赢一局
    • wrestle a fall举行摔跤决赛
    • bad fall重重的一跤
    • big fall大跌价
    • deadliest fall最严重的跌跤
    • disastrous fall灾难性的下跌
    • dying fall垂暮之年
    • graceful fall美丽的秋天
    • heavy fall大雪
    • light fall小雪
    • sharp fall急剧下降
    • short fall不大的差距
    • steady fall稳定地下落
    • tremendous fall很大的落差
    • virtuous fall道德的堕落
    • weary fall消沉的堕落
    • fall fashion秋天最时髦的式样
    • at the fall of evening在夜幕降临的时候
    • in fall在秋季
    • in the fall of 1941 1941年秋
    • on the fall在下跌中
    • a fall from grace失体面
    • a fall from virtue堕落
    • a fall in demand需求量下降
    • a fall in one's income收入减少
    • the fall of night夜幕的降临
    • the fall of the hills towards the sea山坡朝海边的倾斜度
    • the fall of the leave落叶时节,秋季
    • the rise and fall of the Roman Empire罗马帝国的兴衰


    fall in到期;集合;排队;倒塌;与某人在一起

    fall in love坠入爱河;爱上某人

    fall into落入;分成

    fall in love with爱上

    fall of坠落

    fall down跌倒;失败;倒塌

    in the fall在秋天

    rise and fall涨落;抑扬

    fall off减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退

    fall on落到;指向

    fall from从…落下

    fall behind拖欠;落在后面

    free fall自由下落

    fall back退却,后退;[计]回落

    fall ill生病

    fall for something相信某事

    fall for迷恋;信以为真

    fall back on退到;求助于;回头再说

    fall out发生;脱落;争吵;离队;结果是

    fall under受到(影响等);被归入



    drop, fall

    drop 及物不及物均可, He dropped his voice.

    fall 不及物动词 Prices fell/dropped.

    drop, fall, sink, descend






    fall, descend


    fall 指由于重力突然从高处落下或因为失去平衡而跌倒。如:She slipped and fell down.(她滑了一下摔倒了。)

    descend 多指沿着斜面而缓慢向下移动。如:He descended the hill.(他下山了。)

    fall, collapse




    autumn, fall





    1. The knife fell from his nerveless hand.
    2. Apples fall from the tree.
    3. The tree fell with a thunderous crash.
    4. Jobs used to disappear when the snow fell.
    1. Food prices lowered during the fall.
    2. I had a fall (from a horse) and broke my arm.
    3. The falls upstream are full of salmon.


    The fall of public man.
    Fall-related factors and risk of hip fracture: the EPIDOS prospective study.
    Fall risk index for elderly patients based on number of chronic disabilities ☆
    Fall prevention with supplement and active forms of vitamine D: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
    Hemodynamic determinants of the time-course of fall in canine left ventricular pressure.
    Light regimes beneath closed canopies and tree-fall gaps in temperate and tropical forests.
    Influential Factor Analysis of Coal Wall Rib Fall at large Mining-height Overhand Working Face
    Impact near the hip dominates fracture risk in elderly nursing home residents who fall.
    A new method for assessing 24-h blood pressure variability after excluding the contribution of nocturnal blood pressure fall
    High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data. IV. Luminosity Function from the Fall Equatorial Stripe ...
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